Why We Fear Greatness!

June 29, 2011

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Lana HallThe following is a guest column by Lana Hall in response to the question, “Why do we fear greatness.” For more on this topic, review this short YouTube clip.

I wholeheartedly agree with Sylvia’s statement that most people fear their own greatness more than they fear mediocrity.

This seems so unbelievable doesn’t it? I mean, who doesn’t want to be hugely, greatly successful and to make it to the top? And yet, there is oh so much more to this fear of greatness.

People fear their greatness because they mistakenly think they will lose the sense of who they really are. The greatly successful person may not be known or even familiar to them. They won’t know that identity. In reality, they fear losing their own sense of identity.

People fear their losing their sense of identity because they actually are looking for themselves where they are not. They are establishing a false identity from people and experiences outside of themselves, rather than from within themselves.

If greatness is achieved some of the fear-based beliefs will subconsciously surface. Questions arise such as: Who will I then become? Who will I really be? Will others think I’m are trying to be better than they are? Will I lose my friends and be lonely (at the top)? Will I lose the approval, respect, support and love of friends, family and colleagues if I so powerfully express my greatness in the world? Will I have to leave behind people who don’t like my new direction to greatness and who aren’t able to join me now on my journey to greatness? Then who will my friends and colleagues be?

By really fearing greatness, we are falsely basing their identity on outer experiences and other people’s views of themselves rather than on their own inner awareness.

People are resisting change. People are limiting their self-expression. And all these thoughts and emotions are not useful.

This fear of loss of identity is such a basic and all-powerful fear. And why do we have this fear? When we are in overwhelm from an experience we may, for a moment or longer, interpret the overwhelming event as “our very existence might not be able to continue in this state of overwhelm.”  Then, we develop a fear of overwhelm because it really is terrifying to feel that we are losing our identity – the sense of who we are.

Instead of being seduced into the level of the problem, it is more effective  to find how your wholeness has been lost and then re-establish it. Typically the loss of our sense of wholeness happens in early childhood conditioning. And then we develop habits based on this conditioning.

The “environment” always wins. So if you change your internal environment – change the thoughts and conditioned beliefs that are running your life from behind the scene – you then  bring yourself into alignment with your true self. But how?

When approaching the issue of fear with my clients, we first clarify the intention for their issue. Then we determine the number of barriers that are causing the discrepancy between what they are experiencing and what they desire.

This fear of greatness usually came into existence early in childhood. The fear of greatness did not come into existence on an intellectual level and it cannot be profoundly shifted, at the core of your being, on an intellectual level. And this is why we then resolve the barriers experientially through feeling, not intellectually through talking or thinking. I use simple, proven and profound (pure awareness) techniques to resolve, not remove, the habit of looking outside of yourself to get the sense of who and what they are. This restores a sense of wholeness in the client.

The false belief that identity is based on outer experiences is resolved. Their belief is profoundly shifted to truly believing that that one is whole and complete. And when we experience the true and great power of self, we then have awareness and not fear…And with awareness there always is choice.

Lana Hall is the Owner of Prosperity with Intent. Lana partners with women solo entrepreneurs to identify and resolve their barriers to financial success in ways that are spiritually authentic. For tips and information, you can “like” her Facebook page by clicking here.